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"Your masters at Oxford have taught you to idolize reason, drying up the prophetic capacities of your heart!"

- Umberto Eco

"The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else."

- Umberto Eco

"From shit, thus, I extract pure Shinola"

- Umberto Eco

"I suspect that there is no serious scholar who doesn’t like to watch television. I’m just the only one who confesses."

- Umberto Eco

"All poets write bad poetry. Bad poets publish them, good poets burn them."

- Umberto Eco

"The beauty of the universe consists not only of unity in variety, but also of variety in unity."

- Umberto Eco

"Nothing gives a fearful man more courage than another's fear."

- Umberto Eco

"When men stop believing in God, it isn't that they then believe in nothing: they believe in everything."

- Umberto Eco

"I believe that you can reach the point where there is no longer any difference between developing the habit of pretending to believe and developing the habit of believing."

- Umberto Eco

"Never affirm, always allude: allusions are made to test the spirit and probe the heart."

- Umberto Eco

"Dan Brown and I read the same books, but he took them seriously."

- Umberto Eco

"What is a saint supposed to do, if not convert wolves?"

- Umberto Eco

"Too many things together produce noise, and noise is not a tool of knowledge."

- Umberto Eco

"three fingers hold the pen, but the whole body works."

- Umberto Eco

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self."

- Ernest Hemingway

"Every one of us is giving his or her money, time, voice, or at least attention to something. As long as it’s something you value, it doesn’t have to be everything you value. It’s when we give our money, time, voice, and attention to things we don’t value that we become wastrels."

- Shay Hill

"We spend too much time, passion, and mental bandwidth gambling so we don’t have to have real jobs. We’d be much better off if we did the opposite."

- Shay Hill

"People you need to be around often make better company than people you want to be around."

- Shay Hill

"There may be timeless truth, but there is no timeless wisdom"

- Shay Hill

"In the digital age, small world is as exotic as it comes."

- Shay Hill

"Nobody cares if you work harder, but at least you'll sleep better."

- Shay Hill


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